Events calendar
Pop up cooking at Barbican Beds
25 July 2015, 11:00am to 1:00pm
We are bringing a wok and serving up samples of our Beds produce. Come taste and find out simple tasty methods to cook home produce. There will be pancakes too. Read more...

Pick, Cook - Eat!
25 July 2015 to 28 July 2015
At least 30 pancakes filled with delicious produce from the Barbican Beds were given out to adults and children passing by Read more...

York Food and Drink Festival
18 September 2015, 10:00am to 27 September 2015, 9:00pm
York Food and Drink Festival is a ten day event which celebrates local and regional food and drink. It is a not-for-profit organisation and any money generated from ticket sales goes back in to the festival to improve it year after year! Entrance to the Festival markets, demonstrations, cookery classes and sampling stand are free though some may require a reservation. Tickets to events are at various prices. Read more...

York Soup
22 September 2015, 6:00pm to 8:00pm
I'm pleased to tell you that Edible York has been selected to present a pitch at the CVC York Soup event in the Guildhall on Tuesday 22nd September from 6 - 8:30pm. Our idea, is to adopt the raised bed outside the Tourist Information centre on Museum Street, and turn it into a herb bed - Heart of York Herbs. We have support from the council to do so as well as the Tourist Information Centre itself and have a plan in place to harness some volunteers from local business who will maintain the bed and help to advertise the benefits of growing and eating herbs to York residents. As well as a weekly open gardening session at the bed that will be used as an opportunity to talk with people about kitchen gardens, we will hold 4 'pop up cook shop' events over the next year to demonstrate simple but delicious recipes that use easy to grow herbs. We will give away seeds and recipe cards too!! There will only be 4 pitches on Tuesday, and the audience on the night have to choose one and vote for it. The winning pitch receives all the money raised through ticket sales, which in our case will be used for example to buy seeds, tools and other materials and print recipes cards and other Heart of York flyers etc. So if you (and lots of your friends!) would like to be further involved - or just want to come along to a fun evening at the Guildhall - please purchase a ticket through eventbrite or pick up a ticket on the door. £10 each - soup, a bread roll and Edible York chatter! Read more...

Apple Day 2015 Sat 24th Oct
24 October 2015, 10:00am to 12:00pm
National Apple day - Look out for apple day events during October. If you love apples come and help the Abundance team pick apples around York and give them out to local communities. Look at Edible Initiatives> Abundance. Read more...

Various Dates for Apple picking
01 November 2015 to 08 November 2015
If you love apples come and help the Abundance team pick apples around York and give them out to local communities. Look at Edible Initiatives> Abundance, email us on or via our facebook page for details. Read more...

Christmas Social
07 December 2015, 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Please join us for our Edible York Christmas Social. We are meeting at Brigantes on Micklegate (7-9pm) and have a fun quiz planned with a prize, as well as a chance to catch up and plan for some new projects and share ideas for a wonderful edible 2016. Read more...

Apple Juicing - Community afternoon
07 December 2015, 4:00pm to 6:00pm
Abundance York and York Timebank - Acomb invites you to their apple juicing and foraged, home grown and local food event! Abundance will be 'doing things with apples' including making apple juice using a wonderful 'scratter' (a grinder which needs volunteers to turn the wheel to shred the apples) and a big press which gives a dozen litres of juice each pressing! Timebank are also keen foodies and are planning on creating some delicious and wholesome nosh. Entry is free, but please bring any last apples of the season, even windfalls! Bring bottles too, as there's often 'spare' juice to take away! At Lidget Grove Methodist Church, YO26 5NH. Read more...
Seed Swap
09 January 2016, 10:00am to 2:00pm
Part of Bishopthorpe's Recycling Day 2016. Donate unwanted flower or edible plant seeds and take away different ones. At the village hall on Main Strret. All welcome, free admission. Read more...

EY soup and pancake party
22 January 2016, 6:00pm to 8:00pm
The trustees of Edible York invite all members and supporters to Dan Beech's house for a social event to meet each other. Please email for address and details. Read more...

Residents Weekend Jan 2016
30 January 2016, 10:00am to 3:00pm
The Red Tower on York Walls is open for York Resident's Weekend. Come and see our newest Edible bed and put your ideas forward for how you would like this building and associated space to be used in future. **Startup funding obtained to help plan for electric and water etc to help create this as a cafe ** Read more...

York Orchard Pruning Session
06 February 2016, 1:30pm to 4:00pm
Teaching and Pruning session. All welcome, tools provided, free training session. We may also have some wood chippings to add to the base of the trees. Meet at Greenfields School and Community Garden, then we will be visiting other York Orchard sites. Read more...

Pear, Plum & Gage Grafting Training Session 2
06 March 2016, 1:30pm to 3:30pm
Try your hand at grafting - we have some rootstock and will be grafting trees to go into the York Orchard across the city. Come and be part of this fantastic project and learn new and useful skills. Warning the grafting knives are sharp! Only people over 14 to do the actual cutting. Contact Bill Eve on 07767 318123 for more details. Read more...

Spring into 2016
19 March 2016, 9:30am to 12:00pm
Our free spring event gives you the chance to meet other Edible York groups & volunteers and see what we have planned for the year. Intro from Rachel Maskell, plus 2 talks - Biochar and Raw Food. Also our "Seed-Swap" and homemade cakes. Friends Meeting House, Friargate, York, YO1 9RL Read more...

Pear, Plum and Gage Grafting Session 3
20 March 2016, 1:30pm to 3:30pm
Try your hand at grafting - we have some rootstock and will be grafting trees to go into the York Orchard across the city. Come and be part of this fantastic project and learn new and useful skills. Warning the grafting knives are sharp! Only people over 14 to do the actual cutting. Final session for 2016. Contact Bill Eve on 07767 318123 for more details. Read more...

Peasholme Green - Call for volunteers
06 April 2016, 2:00pm to 3:00pm
Would you like to help manage our Edible York veg bed in Peaseholme Green? Most of the previous volunteers that have done such a great job so far have had to move on - so we need a new group to continue showing what a lovely lot of food can be grown on a small patch. Interested? Then join me Bill Eve, 2pm next Wednesday 6th in the Black Swan pub opposite (front room on left as you walk in the front door) If you can't make this time but would still like to get involved then please reply to or ring me 07767 318123. Many thanks! Read more...

Making Bread and Biochar
01 May 2016, 11:00am to 4:00pm
Join the Greenfields Group for a special Sunday of gardening, charcoal making and bread making. Meet at: Greenfields: School & Community Garden YO31 8LA Read more...

St Crux Fundraiser
15 June 2016, 10:00am to 4:00pm
The takings on the day totalled more than a thousand pounds. Some bills to pay out of that. Thanks to everyone who contributed. Read more...

Edible York AGM
20 June 2016, 7:00pm to 8:00pm
Save the day! On the longest day of the year, we will have the shortest AGM in history, followed by a social event with some speakers, who had better be interesting. Venue The Seahorse Read more...

Edible Open Gardens 2016
16 July 2016, 10:00am to 4:00pm
On Saturday 16th July many Edible gardens from across the city will be opening their gates to showcase their efforts and encourage more people to get involved with making York an Edible City. Currently we have over a dozen gardens who will be welcoming visitors, so you can take a tour of your local community, or explore some of the hidden gems and some closed-to-the-public edible gardens around York. (Walking /cycling map provided) **Email us if you would like to take part** Read more...

Celebration Bring and Share picnic
21 August 2016, 3:00pm to 6:00pm
Do pop down to join in the Abundance celebration picnic on Sunday. There are rumours of nice things to eat, a children’s wildlife quiz to explore nature in the new orchard, and even some practical people offering to drill holes and assemble shelving. Please feel free to join in any or none of those things! The important thing is that we enjoy chatting and seeing what we have collectively achieved already, and plan for some autumn apple picking! Read more...

Christmas Social
12 December 2016, 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Come and join us and share your positive stories about what a wonderful Edible and Abundance year it has been. Slides / pictures from 2016 and a chance to meet up and share what great things have been going on in community gardens. * Meet people from Edible projects all over York * Share ideas * Bring spare seeds to exchange with each other or for our seed swap in Bishopthorpe in January (veg and flower seeds accepted!) * Got any spare gardening/cooking books? Bring and swap opportunity - pick up some new reading for the xmas holidays! Read more...

FREE Fruit Grafting Workshops
04 March 2017, 10:30am to 12:30pm
Free Edible York grafting workshop this Saturday. Learn how to graft by helping us create over 100 trees for the York Orchard! Join us at Greenfields garden, YO31 8LA. All welcome though under 14s are not permitted to use the incredibly sharp grafting knives! This is the second of 4 workshop sessions - other ones are scheduled, weather permitting, on Feb 25th, March 4th, 8th and 12th. Read more...

Free Fruit Tree Grafting Workshop
08 March 2017, 10:30am to 12:30pm
Free Edible York grafting workshop this Saturday. Learn how to graft by helping us create over 100 trees for the York Orchard! Join us at Greenfields garden, YO31 8LA. All welcome though under 14s are not permitted to use the incredibly sharpe grafting knives! This is the third of 4 workshops - other ones are scheduled, weather permitting, on Feb 25th, March 4th, 8th and 12th. Read more...

Free Fruit Tree Grafting workshop
12 March 2017, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Free Edible York grafting workshop on Saturday. Learn how to graft by helping us create over 100 trees for the York Orchard! Join us at Greenfields garden, YO31 8LA. All welcome though under 14s are not permitted to use the incredibly sharp grafting knives! This is the last of 4 workshops - other ones are scheduled, weather permitting, on Feb 25th, March 4th, 8th and 12th. Read more...

Spring into the Year 2017
25 March 2017, 10:00am to 2:00pm
Come and join us for our wonderful inspiring Spring gathering. Meet local community groups and gardeners, swap seeds and enjoy some speakers and tasty home cooked food (bring and share!). Change of venue this year - we will be at Tang Hall Community Centre, Fifth Avenue, York YO31 0UG (on bus route 6 from town). Read more...

Peasholme Green regular gardening sessions starting
26 April 2017, 5:00pm to 5:45pm
Regular weekly gardening sessions starting at Peasholme beds, (outside the Quilt museum, opposite the new Hiscox building). Come and help sow seeds, tidy and plant up one of our lovely town centre beds. Read more...

Peasholme Green regular gardening sessions (May)
03 May 2017, 5:00pm to 5:45pm
Regular weekly gardening sessions starting at Peasholme beds, (outside the Quilt museum, opposite the new Hiscox building). Come and help sow seeds, tidy and plant up one of our lovely town centre beds. Read more...

Barbican Beds - Regular Saturday sessions (May)
06 May 2017, 11:00am to 12:00pm
Barbican Beds – the public beds outside the Barbican have started their weekly sessions – each Saturday at 11am, pop by for a chat, and see what is growing/ being planted. All welcome, come and help and take home your own potted seedling(s)! Read more...

Fundraising Spring Sale St Crux
14 June 2017, 11:00am to 3:00pm
Join us for our main fundraising event for the year. Volunteers welcome - come and help out for a couple of hours in the cafe or on a stall :-) We will also be collecting bric-a-brac and cakes to sell, and we'll have some plants, plant pots and plenty of info about Edible York projects! Read more...

Cooking in the Classroom
14 June 2017, 4:00pm to 5:30pm
Training with YORK Cookery School and York Edible Schools. £65 per teacher. YORK Cookery School, York Eco Business Centre, Amy Johnson Way, Clifton Moor, York, YO30 4AG This course is intended to support teachers develop the skills and confidence to cook with their class in accordance with the 2014 National Curriculum. If you would like to participate, please book and reserve your place by going to or by contacting Kate Clarkson by email at or by phone on 07791 701374. Read more...

Greenfields weekly evening gardening sessions May
12 July 2017, 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Evening gardening session at Greenfields: School & Community Garden, Haxby Road, YO31 8LA. Find out what is starting to fruit, and help us plant out some seedlings. Visitors and new volunteers always welcome. Read more...

St Nicks Autumn Fair and Apple Day
14 October 2017, 11:00am to 3:00pm
This lovely event at St Nicks is a chance to catch up with lots of green groups across York and we will have a stall celebrating everything Apple-y! Cam along and help out on the stall for an hour, bring along a cake or some chutney, or just pop by and chat to us about Edible York, our Abundance project and our York Patchwork Orchard plans. Read more...

Fruit tree planting in Thorn Nook
04 February 2018, 2:00pm to 3:30pm
Plum, pear and apple trees to be planted in the grass verge of Thorn Nook. Edible York is looking for help with this latest extension of the Patchwork Orchard! Why not join in the fun of digging holes, removing turf, shovelling woodchip or just come and have a chat! Tools, gloves and refreshments provided. Read more...

Apple Tree Planting, Holgate
03 March 2018, 2:00pm to 3:30pm
Two Apple Trees to be planted in the meadow behind the Fox pub in Holgate. Edible York is looking for help with this latest extension of the Patchwork Orchard! Why not join in the fun of digging holes, removing turf, shovelling woodchip or just come and have a chat! Tools, gloves and refreshments provided. Read more...

1st Fruit Tree Grafting workshop
13 March 2018, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Free Edible York grafting workshop. Learn how to graft by helping us create over 100 new trees for the York Patchwork Orchard! Join us at Greenfields garden, YO31 8LA. All welcome though under 14s are not permitted to use the incredibly sharp grafting knives! This is a rearranged workshop due to weather - other ones are scheduled, weather permitting, during March, please check back or see our Facebook page. Read more...
Edible York Social Evening
31 May 2018, 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Informal meeting at the Red Tower, at the end of the city walls behind Foss Islands Rd. Visit nearby gardens, sow seeds, chat to trustees and other growers. Free entry. Fruit drinks served. Read more...
Edible Gardening Question Time
05 July 2018, 6:00pm to 9:00pm
A panel of local experienced edible gardeners will give advice on gardening at home or in community plots. Held at Bootham School, YO30 7BU. email for info about tickets. Refreshments and plant sale 6-7pm. Read more...
Edible Walk - Bloom Festival
08 July 2018, 1:45pm to 4:00pm
A walking tour of city-centre beds planted with edibles, all of which are supported by Edible York. Meet at Kings' Square. Free. Read more...

Peasholme Green regularly weekly gardening session
10 October 2018, 5:00pm to 5:45pm
Regular weekly gardening sessions starting at Peasholme beds, (outside the Quilt museum, opposite the new Hiscox building). Come and help sow seeds, tidy and plant up one of our lovely town centre beds. Read more...

EY Social - Celebrating Apples plus AGM
13 October 2018, 12:00pm to 2:00pm
Social and Annual General Meeting "10 great things to do with apples!" Everyone welcome! Short formal AGM followed by refreshment snacks Saturday October 13th, 12 noon to 2pm at The Seahorse, near Barbican beds. We will be gathering to celebrate all things apple-y and to inspire people to use more local apples. We have a range of recipes to share, but there are so many great recipes out there - do you have an all-time favourite? Do you have a well-loved apple-based recipe, would you like to share it at our AGM? The Seahorse, Fawcett Street, York, YO10 4AH (just 50m from Edible York's Barbican beds) Read more...

Half Term Apple Fun
30 October 2018, 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Family friendly pick & juicing session in the Orchard at The Dormouse pub, Shipton Road (A19) YO30 5PA Free. Have a go at picking apples, have a go at juicing apples. Collect some apples for home. Read more...

Sustainable City Launch - Good Food York
12 November 2018, 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Promoted event for Good Food York: York is now a member of the Sustainable Food Cities Network! The official launch of Good Food York will take place at the Quaker Meeting House, Friargate, York on Monday 12th November at 6.00pm. We will have six key speakers who will each give a short presentation, from their individual perspectives, about the main challenges to the sustainability of food provision in York. They will be followed by a light (Pay-As-You-Feel) supper of locally-sourced food and an opportunity to explore with others how innovative solutions can be found and implemented. Read more...

November Social - Learning about Herbs
21 November 2018, 7:00pm to 8:30pm
Our November Winter Social is at 7-9pm 21st November at the Ackhorne Pub, 9 St Martin's Lane YO1 6LR, and it will be all about lovely HERBS! Catherine King, Medical Herbalist from Icaros Herbals will lead a discussion on how herbs can can improve our general health and well-being. Catherine will also provide samples of teas, tinctures, lotions and potions for us to try! There will also be the usual opportunity to share news, ideas and forthcoming edible events. This event is FREE, but please also buy a drink from this friendly pub! Looking forward to a great evening! Read more...

Apple tree grafting workshop
03 March 2019, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
This afternoon we are grafting to create new apple trees to plant in the Patchwork Orchard at sites across the city. Drop in to learn the technique and then have a go yourself. All equipment and materials provided, no charge. At Greenfields Garden off Haxby Road, opposite the Primary School. YO31 8LA. Bus stops for Nos 1 and 5 close by. Read more...

St Crux 2019
21 May 2019, 10:00am to 3:45pm
Fundraising event - stalls selling plants, garden and kitchen goods, cook books....Plus pop-up café to eat in or takeaway. Come and visit St Crux on Pavement. Read more...

Barbican Beds Regular weekly sessions
17 August 2019, 11:00am to 12:00pm
Barbican Beds – the public beds outside the Barbican have regular weekly sessions – each Saturday at 11am, pop by for a chat, and see what is growing/ being planted. All welcome, come and help and take home your own potted seedling(s)! Read more...

Greenfields - Evening Gardening Group
20 August 2019, 6:30pm to 8:00pm
Greenfields Garden YO31 8LA Garden group working session. Join us to plant, water, weed, harvest. We aim to be there from 6.30pm but on working days delays happen so do hang around or check our main page or twitter feed for last minute changes Read more...

Peasholme Green regularly weekly gardening session COPY
21 August 2019, 5:45pm to 6:30pm
Regular weekly gardening sessions starting at Peasholme beds, (outside the Quilt museum, opposite the new Hiscox building). Come and help sow seeds, tidy and plant up one of our lovely town centre beds. Read more...

Barbican Beds Regular weekly sessions COPY
24 August 2019, 11:00am to 12:00pm
Barbican Beds – the public beds outside the Barbican have regular weekly sessions – each Saturday at 11am, pop by for a chat, and see what is growing/ being planted. All welcome, come and help and take home your own potted seedling(s)! Read more...

Peasholme Green regularly weekly gardening session COPY COPY
28 August 2019, 5:45pm to 6:30pm
Regular weekly gardening sessions starting at Peasholme beds, (outside the Quilt museum, opposite the new Hiscox building). Come and help sow seeds, tidy and plant up one of our lovely town centre beds. Read more...

Barbican Beds Regular weekly sessions COPY COPY
31 August 2019, 11:00am to 12:00pm
Barbican Beds – the public beds outside the Barbican have regular weekly sessions – each Saturday at 11am, pop by for a chat, and see what is growing/ being planted. All welcome, come and help and take home your own potted seedling(s)! Read more...
Apple Celebration and AGM
23 November 2019, 2:00pm to 4:30pm
A Celebration of Apples: how they are grown and shared across York Read more...

Edible York stall at FoodCircle (THCC)
29 May 2021, 12:00pm to 1:30pm
Join us on Sat 29th May at Tang Hall Community Centre for Food Circle's producer market.(Meat, dairy, veggies, sweet treats, coffee, cider, cut flowers and much much more). We'll have a some plants and seedlings available as well as a Seed Swap box (bring your spare seeds incl opened packets), jams, plus gardening books and magazines. All Pay As You Feel. *Donations of extra plants welcome!* Read more...

Plant Sale at Greenfields Community Garden
06 June 2021, 2:00pm to 3:00pm
Fund-raising sale of plants from the garden. We will also be joined by Greenfields garden team and Rooting for Justice. Read more...

Greenfields - Evening Gardening Group
08 June 2021, 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Greenfields Garden YO31 8LA Garden group working session. Join us to plant, water, weed, harvest. We aim to be there from 6.30pm but on working days delays happen so do hang around or check our main page on Facebook or twitter feed for last minute changes Read more...

Barbican Beds - Regular Weekly Sunday sessions
13 June 2021, 2:30pm to 3:30pm
Barbican Beds – the public beds outside the Barbican have started their weekly sessions – each Sunday at 14:30pm, pop by for a chat. Next week they preparing the beds for planting and planting out new seedlings, and potting on some of the self sown plants for people to take away. All welcome, come and help ! Read more...

Greenfields June Gardening sessions - Sunday
19 June 2021, 10:30am to 12:30pm
Fortnightly gardening sessions are on alternating Sat am and Sundays pm at Greenfields: School & Community Garden, Haxby Road, YO31 8LA. See the beds starting to be planted out, and find out what is starting to grow. Read more...

Plant Southbank Gardening Session
20 June 2021, 2:00pm to 3:00pm
Community Garden session at "The Nose" Community Garden. Gardening dates are on Sundays every fortnight from 6th June, 6th June, 20th June | 4th and 18th July (BBQ) |1st, 15th, 29th August | 12th, 26th September |10th, 24th October. Contact the team on or just turn up! Read more...

Plant Southbank Gardening Sessions July
04 July 2021, 2:00pm to 3:00pm
Community Garden session at "The Nose" Community Garden. Gardening dates are on Sundays every fortnight from 6th June, 6th June, 20th June | 4th and 18th July (BBQ) |1st, 15th, 29th August | 12th, 26th September |10th, 24th October. Contact the team on or just turn up! Read more...

Greenfields - Tues Evening Gardening Group
06 July 2021, 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Every Tuesday Greenfields Garden YO31 8LA Garden group working session. Join us to plant, water, weed, harvest. We aim to be there from 6.30pm but on working days delays happen so do hang around or check our main page on Facebook or twitter feed for last minute changes Read more...

Peasholme Green regular gardening sessions
14 July 2021, 2:00pm to 2:45pm
Regular weekly gardening sessions starting at Peasholme beds, (outside the old Quilt museum, opposite the new Hiscox building). Come and help sow seeds, tidy and plant up one of our lovely town centre beds. Read more...

Plant Southbank BBQ & Gardening Session July
18 July 2021, 2:00pm to 3:00pm
Community Garden session at "The Nose" Community Garden. Gardening dates are on Sundays every fortnight from 6th June, 6th June, 20th June | 4th and 18th July (BBQ) |1st, 15th, 29th August | 12th, 26th September |10th, 24th October. Contact the team on or just turn up! Read more...

Barbican Beds - Regular Weekly Sunday sessions
25 July 2021, 2:30pm to 3:30pm
Barbican Beds – the public beds outside the Barbican have started their weekly sessions – each Sunday at 2:30pm, pop by for a chat. Next week we'll be tidying the beds for planting and thinning out self seeded seedlings. We pot on some of the self sown plants for people to take away. All welcome, come and join in! Read more...

Peasholme Green regular gardening sessions Aug
04 August 2021, 2:00pm to 2:45pm
Regular weekly gardening sessions are happening at Peasholme beds, (outside the old Quilt museum, opposite the new Hiscox building). Come and help sow seeds, tidy and plant up one of our lovely town centre beds. Read more...

Greenfields - Thursday No-Dig group and Q&A
05 August 2021, 1:30pm to 3:00pm
EVERY THURSDAY Greenfields Garden YO31 8LA A drop in session run by Audrey. You can join in with gardening in the No Dig area or come along with a gardening question. The group specialises in No Dig methods and mentors new gardeners. No experience necessary, all ages & abilities welcome. Please contact us to let us know you wish to join this group and then we can put you in contact with Audrey. Read more...

House Plant Swap - Community event
08 August 2021, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
The House Plant swap and social event on August 8th is being run to support Edible York. Tickets can be booked with the link below. There is also information about the format of the event, there are refreshments available, a prize draw as well as the plant swapping. The Crescent Community Venue, YO24 1AW Read more...

Greenfields - Tues Evening Gardening Group Aug
10 August 2021, 6:30pm to 7:30pm
EVERY TUESDAY Greenfields Garden YO31 8LA Garden group working session. Join us to plant, water, weed, harvest. We aim to be there from 6.30pm but on working days delays happen so do hang around or check our main page on Facebook or twitter feed for last minute changes Read more...

Barbican Beds - Regular Weekly Sunday sessions - August
15 August 2021, 2:30pm to 3:30pm
Barbican Beds – the public beds outside the Barbican have started their weekly sessions – each Sunday at approx 14:30pm, pop by for a chat. Join us tidying the beds and watering, and and thinning out self seeded seedlings. We're often potting on some of the self sown plants for people to take away. All welcome, come and join in! Read more...

Barbican Beds - Regular Weekly Sunday sessions Aug
22 August 2021, 2:30pm to 3:30pm
Barbican Beds – the public beds outside the Barbican have started their weekly sessions – each Sunday at approx 14:30pm, pop by for a chat. Join us tidying the beds and watering, and and thinning out self seeded seedlings. We're often potting on some of the self sown plants for people to take away. All welcome, come and join in! Read more...

Greenfields Sept Gardening sessions - Sunday
05 September 2021, 2:00pm to 3:00pm
Fortnightly gardening sessions are on alternating Sat am and Sundays pm at Greenfields: School & Community Garden, Haxby Road, YO31 8LA. See the beds starting to be planted out, and find out what is starting to grow. Read more...

Growing in Spring
23 March 2022, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
At our edible garden on Peasholme Green we are sharing seeds, giving away small plants, tidying the garden and having refreshments. All free, Please bring any seeds that you can share or donate. Drop in at any time. Read more...

Greenfields Summer Gardening sessions - Tues evenings
31 May 2022, 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Fortnightly gardening sessions are on Tuesday evening at 6:30pm at Greenfields: School & Community Garden, Haxby Road, YO31 8LA. See the beds starting to be planted out, and find out what is starting to grow. Read more...

Peasholme Green regular gardening sessions June
01 June 2022, 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Regular weekly gardening sessions are happening at Peasholme beds, (outside the old Quilt museum, opposite the Black Swan pub and new Hiscox building). Come and help sow seeds, tidy and plant up one of our lovely town centre beds. Read more...

Barbican Beds - Regular Saturday sessions
04 June 2022, 10:00am to 10:45am
Barbican Beds – the public beds outside the Barbican have started their weekly sessions – June Saturdays at 10:00am All welcome, come and help and take home your own potted seedling(s)! Read more...

Greenfields Summer Gardening sessions - Sunday June
05 June 2022, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Fortnightly gardening sessions are on alternating Sat am and Sundays pm at Greenfields: School & Community Garden, Haxby Road, YO31 8LA. See the beds starting to be planted out, and find out what is starting to grow. Read more...

Planet Southbank Gardening Sessions June
05 June 2022, 2:00pm to 3:00pm
Planet South Bank’s Community Garden (‘The Nose’) Gardening dates for 2022, on Sundays from 2 – 3 pm 5th June, 19th June | 3th, 17th, 31st July |14th, 28th August | 11th, 25th September |9th, 23rd October. Contact the team on or just turn up! Read more...

Peasholme Green regular gardening sessions June
08 June 2022, 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Regular weekly gardening sessions are happening at Peasholme beds, (outside the old Quilt museum, opposite the Black Swan pub and new Hiscox building). Come and help sow seeds, tidy and plant up one of our lovely town centre beds. Read more...

Barbican Beds - Regular Saturday sessions
11 June 2022, 10:00am to 10:45am
Barbican Beds – the public beds outside the Barbican have started their weekly sessions – June Saturdays at 10:00am All welcome, come and help and take home your own potted seedling(s)! Read more...

Peasholme Green regular gardening sessions June 15th
15 June 2022, 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Regular weekly gardening sessions are happening at Peasholme beds, (outside the old Quilt museum, opposite the Black Swan pub and new Hiscox building). Come and help sow seeds, tidy and plant up one of our lovely town centre beds. Read more...

Greenfields Summer Gardening sessions - Saturday
18 June 2022, 10:30am to 12:30pm
Fortnightly gardening sessions are on alternating Sat am and Sundays pm at Greenfields: School & Community Garden, Haxby Road, YO31 8LA. See the beds starting to be planted out, and find out what is starting to grow. Read more...

Barbican Beds - Regular Saturday sessions June
18 June 2022, 10:00am to 10:45am
Barbican Beds – the public beds outside the Barbican have started their weekly sessions – Saturdays in June at 10:00am All welcome, come and help and take home your own potted seedling(s)! Read more...

Planet Southbank Gardening Sessions June
19 June 2022, 2:00pm to 3:00pm
Planet South Bank’s Community Garden (‘The Nose’) Gardening dates for 2022, on Sundays from 2 – 3 pm 5th June, 19th June | 3th, 17th, 31st July |14th, 28th August | 11th, 25th September |9th, 23rd October. Contact the team on or just turn up! Read more...

Peasholme Green regular gardening sessions June 22nd
22 June 2022, 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Regular weekly gardening sessions are happening at Peasholme beds, (outside the old Quilt museum, opposite the Black Swan pub and new Hiscox building). Come and help sow seeds, tidy and plant up one of our lovely town centre beds. Read more...

Barbican Beds - Regular Saturday sessions June
25 June 2022, 10:30am to 11:30am
Barbican Beds – the public beds outside the Barbican have started their weekly sessions – each Saturday at 10:30pm All welcome, come and help and take home your own potted seedling(s)! Read more...

Peasholme Green regular gardening sessions June 29th
29 June 2022, 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Regular weekly gardening sessions are happening at Peasholme beds, (outside the old Quilt museum, opposite the Black Swan pub and new Hiscox building). Come and help sow seeds, tidy and plant up one of our lovely town centre beds. Read more...

Planet Southbank Gardening Sessions July
03 July 2022, 2:00pm to 3:00pm
Planet South Bank’s Community Garden (‘The Nose’) Gardening dates for 2022, on Sundays from 2 – 3 pm 5th June, 19th June | 3th, 17th, 31st July |14th, 28th August | 11th, 25th September |9th, 23rd October. Contact the team on or just turn up! Read more...

Apple Day at Dormouse Orchard
28 October 2022, 12:30pm to 3:30pm
Apple Day in the Orchard: Come and help pick apples and take part in our community picking and juicing session this half term Read more...

Seed Swap and Share
07 January 2023, 10:30am to 12:45pm
Get ready for growing - we have seeds to swap and to give away, We are taking part in the Grand Recycling Day, Village Hall, Main Street, Bishopthorpe. Free entry, refreshments available and a variety of stalls and activities. Read more...

Seeds and EY talk
21 April 2023, 12:30pm to 3:00pm
Seed swap and share at Fulford Scout Hut. And talk by EY at 1.30. Bring any spare seeds to donate, and take any you would like, for free, without donating seeds. Stall from 12.30, slightly earlier than flyer info. Read more...

Plant Swap and Share
20 May 2023, 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Call round to St Barnabas Church, Jubilee Tce, YO36 4YZ - free event with free plants. Bring some edible plants to donate if you have some spares. Indoors if wet. Read more...

Orchard Tour and Apple Tasting
25 September 2023, 4:00pm to 6:00pm
Drop in at Apple HQ on Salisbury Road, YO26 4YN, Edible York will have apples to taste and give away from the shipping container base. There are more than 20 fruit trees nearby, we can show you round. Free, Part of York Environment Week. Read more...

Annual General Meeting
29 November 2023, 6:30pm to 9:00pm
Invitation to EY's Annual General Meeting. At Black Swan, Peasholme Green. Arrive 6.30 to buy refreshments, and 7pm start, to look back at last year, and for a talk about Making Compost. Read more...

growing for under 5's
24 April 2024, 9:00am to 12:00pm
For under 5 years olds with parent / carer. Intro to growing edibles, led by Edible York. At the Avenues Children's Centre, Tang Hall school. Just drop in at a time to suit. A hands on session, and free to take part. Read more...

Inner-city gardening
18 September 2024, 12:00pm to 12:00pm
Vegetables, herbs and wildlife at Peasholme Green bed, YO1 7PW. The Edible York team will explain more, and offer samples of herbs and apples. Just drop in. Read more...

28 September 2024, 11:00am to 12:00pm
Edible gardening in the middle ages, crops previously grown by monks now feature in the Barbican Beds. Find out more - just drop in. Free. Fawcett Dtreet corner YO10 4AH Read more...

Dormouse Orchard 23
28 October 2024, 1:00pm to 3:30pm
Pick apples and press apple juice - join us at half term for this FREE family-friendly session. We have tools to use, just bring a bag if you want take home some apples you pick. At Dormouse Orchard, Shipton Rd, YO30 5PA. Read more...

The Magic of Soil - Talk and AGM
14 January 2025, 7:00pm to 8:30pm
Please join us for our AGM! Soil is such a massively rich ecosystem! Did you that soil contains was much as 60% of all life on earth! Join us for our annual AGM & Talk on Tuesday 14th January 7-8.30pm at the Black Swan Inn, 23 Peasholme Green YO1 7PR We would love to see as many members as possible. Read more...
Use the calendar to browse through our events for future months.
Note: Many of the local projects around York also have their own regular sessions at their locations - so do:
- Check the Edible Map for projects near to where you live
- Or come and meet us at one of the public beds - Barbican or Peasholme Green, for more details see the Edible Initiatives> Public Beds page). Whip-ma-whop-ma-gate garden is now closed.
You can also check our latest newsletter for more info on happenings around York.